Mosfet Subthreshold

subthreshold leakage
субпороговая утечка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Смотреть что такое 'subthreshold leakage' в других словарях:

  • Subthreshold leakage — or subthreshold conduction or subthreshold drain current is the current that flows between the source and drain of a MOSFET when the transistor is in the subthreshold region, that is, for gate to source voltages below the threshold voltage. The… … Wikipedia

  • Subthreshold Leakage — Bei subthreshold leakage (englisch, dt. ‚Unterschwellspannungsleckstrom‘) handelt es sich um einen so genannten Leckstrom in MOS Transistoren, welche in aktuellen integrierten Schaltungen wie Prozessoren oder Mikrocontrollern verwendet werden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Subthreshold leakage — Bei subthreshold leakage (dt. »Unterschwellspannungsleckstrom«) handelt es sich um einen so genannten Leckstrom in MOS Transistoren, welche in aktuellen integrierten Schaltungen wie Prozessoren oder Mikrocontrollern verwendet werden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Leakage — describes an unwanted loss, or leak, of something which escapes from its proper location. In everyday usage, leakage is the gradual escape of matter through a leak hole. [ [http://www.m Merriam Webster] ] In different… … Wikipedia

  • MOSFET — Two power MOSFETs in the surface mount package D2PAK. Operating as switches, each of these components can sustain a blocking voltage of 120 volts in the OFF state, and can conduct a continuous current of 30 amperes in the ON state, dissipating up … Wikipedia

  • Unterschwellspannungsstrom — Bei subthreshold leakage (dt. »Unterschwellspannungsleckstrom«) handelt es sich um einen so genannten Leckstrom in MOS Transistoren, welche in aktuellen integrierten Schaltungen wie Prozessoren oder Mikrocontrollern verwendet werden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Metall-Oxid-Halbleiter-Feldeffekttransistor — Der Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor (englisch metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, MOSFET auch MOS FET, selten MOST) gehört zu den Feldeffekttransistoren mit isoliertem Gate, auch als IGFET bezeichnet. Er ist den… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Double Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor — Der Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor (englisch: metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, MOSFET auch MOS FET, selten MOST) ist eine Variante der Feldeffekttransistoren mit isoliertem Gate (IGFET), genauer der Metall Isolator… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dual-Gate-MOSFET — Der Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor (englisch: metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, MOSFET auch MOS FET, selten MOST) ist eine Variante der Feldeffekttransistoren mit isoliertem Gate (IGFET), genauer der Metall Isolator… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • FinFET — Der Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor (englisch: metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, MOSFET auch MOS FET, selten MOST) ist eine Variante der Feldeffekttransistoren mit isoliertem Gate (IGFET), genauer der Metall Isolator… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MOS-FET — Der Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor (englisch: metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, MOSFET auch MOS FET, selten MOST) ist eine Variante der Feldeffekttransistoren mit isoliertem Gate (IGFET), genauer der Metall Isolator… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Mosfet subthreshold

Mosfet Subthreshold Current

$begingroup$ Actually Sir, I want to know If there is any specific boundary(in term of voltages) for the device to enter in subthreshold from cutoff or the current will flow for any small vds? If later is true then whats the meaning of a cutoff region? $endgroup$ – sumita sahu Jul 7 '19 at 14:14. MOSFET device behavior, focusing on SubThreshold and Above Threshold Operation MOSFET as an approximate current source Early Effect / DIBL ('sigma') in MOSFET devices A few critical points to remember: Our approach for MOSFET devices starts from a sub threshold perspective and then includes the above threshold operation as a limiting case of. Now it is recognized that they also enable a very useful mode of MOSFET operation, and that the sub- threshold region of operation is as important as the traditional cut-off. A one-region compact I/sub ds/ model from subthreshold to saturation, which resembles the same form as the well-known long-channel model but includes all major short-channel effects (SCEs) in deep-submicron (DSM) MOSFETs, has been formulated through physics-based effective transformation. The model has 23 process-dependent fitting parameters, which requires an 11-step, one-iteration.

Mosfet Junctionless MOSFETs have a number of advantages over the traditional ones in terms of simplicity of design, manufacturing technology and reducing the impact of the short-channel effects on the device characteristics. However, the known experimental nanowire MOSFETs have high subthreshold currents due to the parasitic bipolar transistor appearance in the closed state. A structural model of a planar SOI in accordance with the technology standards of 90 nm and the route of mathematical modeling have been developed. The influence of the impurity concentration in the SOI MOSFET silicon film on the threshold voltage, the saturation currents and subthreshold currents using TCAD environment has been investigated. The investigation results show that if the impurity concentrations in the working body of the device is below 10 cm and there is no interband tunneling effect, and a parasitic bipolar transistor does not arise, the subthreshold currents decrease to 10 A/μm, while maintaining the saturation currents at an acceptable level, which is significantly lower than those of the conventional MOS transistors.

Mosfet Subthreshold Region Equation

  • Key words:junctionless MOSFET, subthreshold current, interband tunneling, impurity concentration
  • Published in:integrated electronics elements
  • Bibliography link: Korolev M.A., Klyuchnikov A.S., Efimova D.I. Junctionless MOS-transistor with low subthreshold current // Proc. of Universities. Electronics. – 2018. – Vol. 23. – № 2. – P. 186–193. DOI: 10.24151/1561-5405-2018-23-2-186-193
Mikhail A. Korolev
National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia

Mosfet Subthreshold

Darya I. Efimova
National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia
Mosfet Subthreshold
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