Phil Kerpen Twitter

,5 tweets,1 min read
My Authors
  • Phil Kerpen has compiled an extensive set of responses brought about by various forces intending to stop the opening of schools. As this document details – the evidence is still overwhelming that children pose are not dramatically impacted by this disease.Download.
  • Phil Kerpen is president of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity and co-editor of its daily Hotline.He has four children and his father was hospitalized for COVID-19 in March.
Phil kerpen twitter page

The latest tweets from @kerpen. — Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) July 7, 2020 Get comfy, this takes a while to read but man, it’s so worth it. Summary from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the principal medical society for 67,000.

Chris they don't report the same way as any other state.
Check the footnote on every New York report since April 28:
'This data does not reflect COVID-19 confirmed or COVID-19 presumed positive deaths that occurred outside of the facility.'
Demand the real number.
And a really good explanation for why they dropped the LTC hospital deaths off the report after April 28. Seems a bit dishonest.
No data between April 28 -- last report old methodology and certainly a huge undercount -- and May 3, presumably a better count but a deliberately incomplete picture.
We know the nursing home count went from 3,025 April to 4,813 on May 3 after a comprehensive review and a dropping out of all deaths immediately preceded by hospitalization.
How much higher was the real number that they want to hide it?
The adult care facility side of the long-term care picture shows a DROP from the April 28 report of 644 to May 3 at 155. Where is the old honest number now? Over 1000?



Mask facts

Several studies and literature reviews about masks are summarized and linked to here. We will continue to add to this page, so check back!

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Open letters
A Letter to My College President
As college campuses come back to life, the expected flurry of COVID-19 cases has drummed up unnecessary panic among teachers, students, parents, and administrators. At Rational Ground, we fervently believe that the fears are completely overblown. The current mindset pervading the country is that ALL cases ANYWHERE are bad. We believe them to be a good thing and, frankly, unavoidable.

As in-person schooling resumes in parts of the country, the expected flurry of COVID-19 cases has drummed up unnecessary panic among teachers, students, parents, and administrators. At Rational Ground, we fervently believe that the fears are completely overblown. The current mindset pervading the country is that ALL cases ANYWHERE are bad. We believe them to be a good thing and, frankly, unavoidable.

Answers to Anti-Schoolers on Korea, Israel, Chicago and Georgia
Phil Kerpen has compiled an extensive set of responses brought about by various forces intending to stop the opening of schools. As this document details – the evidence is still overwhelming that children pose are not dramatically impacted by this disease.
We’ve put together a brief primer on the challenges and issues with data which abound across the US and across the world when reporting on COVID-19.

Hugh Hewitt Twitter



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Infographics on COVID-19 Risks

Alec Lewis Twitter

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COVID-19 Infographics for States and Topics

Jheremy Brown Twitter

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